Oliver Bennett: ITB 2016
ITB 2016 BREXIT? In the 28 halls of ITB 2016 in Berlin in March it got barely a mention – indeed, I never heard it at all. Concerns focused around international security and the impact of refugees. At his annual presentation of the IPK International Travel Monitor, Rolf Freitag made the prediction that the […]
Expo 2015 Italy
Expo 2015 ITALY – milan 1 May – 31 OCTOBER 2015 We invented the Expo, by dint of the Great Exhibition of 1851. This year it is Milan’s turn. Twenty million visitors are expected at Expo Milan before the event closes at the end of October. Design approach 2015 Expo 2015 Italy is a curious phenomenon. […]
Salon Partner helps to shape tourism policy
strategic TOURISM POLICY discussions with bis On behalf of the Tourism Consultants Network, Chris Evans and Salon Partner, Oliver Bennett met with Vince Cable MP, Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills , on 31 October. This was to raise a number of issues concerning procurement in the public sector. The subject has been […]
Escape from Crimea
Escape from Crimea – My epic journey In March, I traveled to the Crimea. I arrived at the 1,000-room Yalta Intourist to speak at a Black Sea International Tourism Forum without any idea of what was about to happen. “There was substantial attendance and TV crews for the opening session that afternoon, Conference speakers came […]