In what was a complicated year for the industry, the overall out-turn has proven to be quite encouraging for the strength of the attraction of the Cote d’Azur as a premier tourism destination. Nonetheless the effects of the terrorist attack on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice on 14 July made themselves felt. Overall the […]
Brussels Falls – Annus Horribilis for the Capital of Europe
The Eurocrats in Brussels have been having a tough time grappling with the problems of Brexit and how to deal with the new Trump administration. Meanwhile in the real world, the Hoteliers of Brussels are having to cope with a major down-turn in business following terrorist attacks in the city last year. Brussels is a […]
Haiti Project
Since 2008 the Haiti Hospital Appeal (HHA) aims to improve medical care, social integration and employment prospects for people with disabilities. The organisation opened Haiti’s first Spinal Cord Injury rehabilitation unit. Social integration has been partially furthered through an inclusive sports centre. During its work, the organisation partnered with varying charities specifically to provide the […]

Terrorism and Tourism
Terrorism and Tourism just don’t mix Back in early summer I wrote an article about the new strategy for growing tourism that had been just been announced for the Cote d’Azur. Then on Bastille Day, 14 July, Islamist terrorism hit the Promenade des Anglais in Nice and 85 people lost their lives. All of this […]
Oliver Bennett: ITB 2016
ITB 2016 BREXIT? In the 28 halls of ITB 2016 in Berlin in March it got barely a mention – indeed, I never heard it at all. Concerns focused around international security and the impact of refugees. At his annual presentation of the IPK International Travel Monitor, Rolf Freitag made the prediction that the […]
Expo 2015 Italy
Expo 2015 ITALY – milan 1 May – 31 OCTOBER 2015 We invented the Expo, by dint of the Great Exhibition of 1851. This year it is Milan’s turn. Twenty million visitors are expected at Expo Milan before the event closes at the end of October. Design approach 2015 Expo 2015 Italy is a curious phenomenon. […]
Killer Stats – Restaurants versus Supermarkets
Restaurants versus supermarkets – WHO IS WInning THE BATTLE? Two killer stats caught our eye recently, helping us understand the dynamics of the Meal Market and its future directions……. Stat #1: May 2015, monthly sales at USA restaurants exceed grocery store sales for the first time. And, the divergence is accelerating. Stat #2: Small […]
Spa Users and Social Media
SPA SOCIAL MEDIA Salon Associate, Leonor Stanton‘s has written an article that has recently been published in the renowned Worldwide Spa Industry online magazine Spa Business. Leonor examines the findings from the International Spa Association that focuses on how Spa Users are active on Social Media and are much more likely to be contributors to all social media […]
Female Friendly Hotel Chicago opening – First for Virgin
FIRST FOR VIRGIN A Female Friendly hotel is not a new concept, however, with Virgin’s first Female Friendly Hotel having opened its doors at North Wabash Avenue in Chicago on 15th January, Richard Branson thinks he has found an edge: WOMEN. Virgin is courting female business travellers, Branson says. His hotels will emphasize safety […]
Amazon Travel U.S. Hotel Platform
Amazon is reportedly the latest e-commerce giant planning to break into the online travel business through Amazon Travel. SELECTED HOTELS TO START Amazon reports that the initial roll-out of Amazon Travel would feature a curated selection of hotels within a few hours’ drive from New York, […]